Education… Technology…
Musings to nudge us forward
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Why Motivation Theory Is Absolutely Crucial to Educators Part 3
Why Motivation Theory Is Absolutely Crucial to Educators Part 3: SDT Provides Specific Answers This is Part 3 of a Series. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Self Determination Theory (SDT) helps educators fill the gaps in our understanding in two broad ways: 1) providing specifics on what truly taps intrinsic motivation within…
Building a Content Creator Workstation- Part 1
More and more educators are needing to create electronic content for learners, and connecting with video-conferencing. When I went independent for my work, developing my workstation to fit my needs was crucial. My budget was limited, so I couldn’t get everything at once. When you build incrementally, that means you have to wait for some…
Interesting Summer Reading-Listening for 2024
Often during the school year it is hard to find the time and quiet to do professional close-reading, especially when you need to focus and concentrate. I would offer these recent articles and podcasts are deep but rich. Set aside time to dig in and enjoy: Articles: How mastery-based learning helps every student succeed…
A Framework Tool for Educational Change
Have you wished for a guide to help educators make transitions in instructional practice and systems structure? So have I. For the last few years I have been developing and refining a framework for educators taking my class for their Masters degree program. As I reflected over the years when I worked to help schools…
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